The NIOA newsletter categories.
Submitted by cwilliams on Sat, 10/02/2021 - 22:52
Hello friends of the NIOA!
NIOA Slate of Officers:
Submitted by cwilliams on Sat, 08/21/2021 - 22:16
The NIOA Newsletter - August 2021 Edition
Hello friends of the NIOA!
IMPORTANT REMINDER! Wednesday August 25th is the last day to register for the 14th Annual Pottyshack Golf Outing, which will be held on September 8th in Mishawaka. See link below for more information.
NIOA Slate of Officers:
Submitted by cwilliams on Sun, 08/01/2021 - 21:03
Hello friends of the NIOA!
NIOA Slate of Officers:
Submitted by cwilliams on Sun, 06/27/2021 - 22:57
Dear Friends of the NIOA -
We are excited to announce that things are falling into place to finish 2021 out as a somewhat normal year. We are still looking for locations to hold training, if your company is willing to host training, please let one of your NIOA officers know!
Submitted by cwilliams on Wed, 06/09/2021 - 22:56
Dear Friends of the NIOA!
Submitted by cwilliams on Mon, 11/23/2020 - 13:58
Wishing our NIOA friends a safe and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Submitted by cwilliams on Tue, 10/27/2020 - 11:08
Submitted by cwilliams on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 09:17
Greetings to the friends of the Northern Indiana Operator's Association!
Submitted by cwilliams on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 12:31
Greetings friends of the NIOA!
Welcome to June 2020, or as my kids have officially called it, "The Summer of Bummer". As you already know, Covid-19 has changed the landscape we live in, and the NIOA is actively working to provide training and networking opportunities as we all navigate a path forward. Many employers, both municipal and private, currently have restrictions on travel and visitors that make scheduling meetings difficult. Here is the latest update on the NIOA Summer of Bummer Schedule:
Submitted by cwilliams on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 15:03
Good afternoon, friends of the NIOA. In response to the guidelines established by Governor Holcomb and President Trump as it relates to public gatherings, the April NIOA meeting has been cancelled. There is no May meeting scheduled, as we encourage participation in the IWEA Wastewater Challenge, which (as of the time this notice is being sent out) is still planned for May 19th at the Fishers Wastewater Treatment Plant. At this point, we are still planning a June 10th golf outing and a July 9th cookout.