Becoming Active

The NIOA is a great organization but it’s because of people like you that make us who we are.  CEU’s are now included with your membership, if you choose.  CEU Membership is $25/year. Non CEU membership is still only $10/year. Non-member CEU rate is $5/CEU.  The NIOA not only offers wastewater CEU’s but drinking water ones as well.  At each meeting we intend to offer 2  technical CEU’s. Membership dues need to be paid by the first meeting of the year.  If you are a current member, a new membership form is not required. If you are not a current member please fill out a membership form and return it and start experiencing the benefits today!

Click here to download the membership form.

Please print it,  fill out the needed information and bring it to the next meeting, or mail it to:

John Magsam
Jones & Henry Engineers
2420 N. Coliseum Blvd., Ste 214
Ft. Wayne, IN 46805


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