The NIOA Newsletter - March Edition
Hello friends of the NIOA!
- March NIOA Meeting. A reminder that we will be at the Steuben Lakes Regional Waste District at our monthly meeting on March 8! Registration will be between 10 & 10:30, and presentations will begin at 10:30. Please RSVP to Mike Franke by 3:00 PM Monday, March 6 so we can get an accurate head count for lunch (sponsored by Kokosing Industrial). If you are planning on attending, submit a question and/or pictures as described below to Tina Wolff to earn an extra raffle ticket at Wednesday's meeting! We are applying for 2 technical CEU's for this training.
Join General Contractor Kokosing Industrial for information and discussion on topics relevant to every water and wastewater plant. Superintendents Justin Rahall and Lonnie Turner and Project Development Manager Tina Wolff will bring experiences from across the state. The informal session covers five areas:
· Trends in water and wastewater treatment: What a contractor sees working around the State and region
· Operating a plant during construction: How to work day-to-day with an ongoing construction project
· Comparisons and trends in energy: The latest in the effort to do more with less energy and energy costs
· Considerations for construction quality: How to tell quality craftsmenship and what to do when you are not getting it
· Ask the Superintendents: Bring examples of your challenges for group discussion and approaches by the Superintendents
Please send pictures of your challenges with a brief description to Tina Wolff at by March 3, 2017 to be included in the slide show.
- Annual Wastewater Challenge - Team Needed. We are continuing to look for 4 members to represent the NIOA team at the IWEA Operator's Challenge on May 23 - 24. The Challenge will be held at the Clay Township Regional Waste District on the north side of Indianapolis. Please contact one of your NIOA officers if you are interested!
- NIOA Doug Brookhart Scholarship - Nominations Needed. We are also looking for nominees for the 1st official Doug Brookhart Scholarship! As a tribute to Doug Brookhart, for his support for NIOA and his assistance in all aspects of the important work done by plant operators, a scholarship has been created. For those that did not know Doug, he worked for Jones & Henry Engineers. He was a trouble shooter and helped plant operators all over Northern Indiana and Ohio. If you had an operations problem, Doug would help you solve it. His knowledge of this industry was amazing.
The Scholarship would consist of paid registration to the annual IWEA conference – all three (3) days, including lunches, hotel reservations at conference hotel for two (2) or three (3) nights, parking and $50 VISA gift card for meals. Nominations are requested from all members by the June meeting. The Officers of NIOA will select a candidate and notify him or her in July, so reservations can be completed. Criteria for Candidate selection:
· The size/classification of the nominee’s facility, controlling entity, town, or district
· The financial inability of the nominee’s facility, controlling entity, town, or district to sponsor nominee to attend the annual conference
· The nominee is not facing sanctions from any regulatory agency
· The nominee has shown interest in expanding his/her knowledge of the industry and could use some assistance in obtaining more knowledge.
· The nominee has not attended the IWEA conference in prior years.
· NIOA Member
- If you made it this far, you have demonstrated that you are a bona fide wastewater geek & deserve a reward...Watch this short video from Smarter Every Day, and then share it with a friend! We hope to see you next week!