July NIOA - Annual Cookout
Annual Cookout & July Training. The July NIOA Meeting/Annual Cook out will be hosted by Chain o'Lakes State Park on July 13. We will meet at the Glacier Ridge Shelter at 10am, then take a short hike to the Wastewater Treatment Plant for a tour. Lunch (pork burgers & brats) will be served at the Glacier Ridge Shelter after the tour. After lunch, we will move to the historic "Stanley School" for training. We are working with IDEM to provide about an hour of training on the CSO Program. We anticipate 1 hr technical for the WWTP Tour & 1 hr general for training. Please contact Mike, Bill or Craig to RSVP. RSVP's must be received by the noon, Monday July 11 if you want to eat! Gate fees will be waived for all attendees - please notify the gate attendant that you are attending the NIOA Training & they will waive you through.