Good afternoon NIOA members & friends! A couple things to note:
- After 37 years of service, Bremen WWTP Superintendent Bill Reed is retiring! The town is celebrating his retirement (that may not have come out right...) on May 19, from 2 - 4 PM at the Town Hall, 111 S. Center Street. If you are available, please come wish Bill well in his retirement!
- The NIOA Golf Outing is on June 8th at the Eagle Glen Country Club in Columbia City! Cost per player is $35, which includes lunch, 18 holes & a cart. This is a great opportunity to to spend time with other wastewater operators & the suppliers, engineers and consultants who help us treat wastewater! If you are interested in playing, RSVP to Bill Etzler no later than May 27th, as an individual or a team. You do not need to pay until June 8th. If you are interested in sponsoring the golf outing, please contact Bill Etzler. There will be 1 hour of training prior to lunch @ 10:00 am. We hope to see you there!