December NIOA Meeting
Northern Indiana Operators Association, Inc.
Good Morning Everyone,
It's that time of year again, time for the annual NIOA "December" meeting. As in the past it will be held at the:
Dal Mar Catering Banquet Hall
159 East Lincoln Street
Nappanee, IN. 46550
(574) 773-3779
Cost for this year is $15 if you RSVP by Friday December 6th, 2013. Anything after that or if you pay at the door will be $20. This will include your CEU's and lunch, but NOT YOUR MEMBERSHIP! You may pay for your 2014 membership at the meeting as well, but again it is NOT INCLUDED in you meeting fee.
We also have to vote in a new officer and we need nominee's or we need someone to please step up!! I know we have many capable members that would do us a great job, so please help your organization to continue to provide it's members the same quality training and opportunities as in the past.
This year we will be doing things differently as there will be no plant tour. Instead the presentation will start promptly at 10am and go until 12pm with lunch to follow. This month's presentation will be presented by IDEM. Gary Starks and Rose McDaniel will be presenting on "How to use the new NetDMR" . We have been pre-approved for 2 Techical CEU's.
Any questions, please contact Joe Hughes through the contact tab.
Thanks and don't forget to get your RSVP's in quickly, you have until this Friday!!!
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