The NIOA Newsletter - November 2022

Greetings, friends of the NIOA -

There will not be a November NIOA meeting.

As we head towards 2023, please consider hosting a meeting at your facility. We rely on our member's hospitality to provide opportunities for training locations. Contact your NIOA Officers to coordinate a training event in 2023.

Plan on joining us at the Nappanee Del-Mar Banquet Hall on December 14 for the Annual Christmas Training and Luncheon. Details and registration information will come later this month.

IWEA Events - The Indiana Water Environment Association has a number of events available for continuing education opportunities.

  • RESIDUALS & RESOURCE RECOVERY FALL LUNCH & LEARN - November 3, 8:00a - 12:30p at the TriCo Regional Sewer Utility. Come join us at TriCo Regional Sewer Utility for the Residuals and Resource Recovery Fall Lunch & Learn and Plant Tour on November 3rd. The committee’s goal is to have attendees learn about the facility’s recent plant expansion and their biosolids/waste management procedures. Learn more and register here.
  • IWEA/CIOA/SIOA FUNDRAISER TO SEND OPERATOR CHALLENGE TEAMS TO WEFTEC in 2023 - Come join us for IWEA’s first clay shoot on November 4th at the Atterbury Shooting Complex in Edinburgh, IN hosted by CIOA and SIOA. This event is designed to fundraise for IWEA to send two teams to WEFTEC next year. There are many ways to participate; form a team of 5, come as an individual or get your company involved by participating as a sponsor! Details here.
  • IWEA/NASSCO CIRCLE CITY EXCHANGE - November 15, 7:30a - 4:30p. Join us at the NCAA Hall of Champions Indianapolis for the Circle City Exchange – in partnership with IWEA! The Exchange events are one-day educational sessions that feature many of the industry resources developed by NASSCO’s dynamic Technical Committees. The Committees work diligently throughout the year to achieve NASSCO’s mission to set standards for the assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of underground infrastructure and to assure the continued acceptance and growth of trenchless technologies.

    Free to municipal employees, the event includes breakfast, lunch, and an interactive format that encourages retention of the information presented. Register now!

  • 2022 ANNUAL MEETING, LUNCH & LEARN - December 8, 10:30a - 2:00p at Bowen Engineering. Meet IDEM Commissioner Brian Rockensuess, earn CEU's and enjoy a casual lunch with your peers at the IWEA annual meeting. More details here.

Jobs Board

Don't forget to check out the NIOA Jobs Board! Members and their organizations can post jobs to the board for free! The NIOA will also post new listings to the NIOA's Facebook Page. Contact Craig Williams for more information.


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