The NIOA Newsletter - "Emerging from Quarantine?" Edition

Greetings friends of the NIOA!

Welcome to June 2020, or as my kids have officially called it, "The Summer of Bummer". As you already know, Covid-19 has changed the landscape we live in, and the NIOA is actively working to provide training and networking opportunities as we all navigate a path forward. Many employers, both municipal and private, currently have restrictions on travel and visitors that make scheduling meetings difficult. Here is the latest update on the NIOA Summer of Bummer Schedule:

  • The Annual Golf Outing has been cancelled for this year.
  • The July Cookout has been postponed until August or maybe September. We will update the members as we know more.

The IWEA is still planning on holding the annual conference at Ft. Wayne's Grand Wayne Center in August. If for some reason the annual conference cannot happen in August, there is a back-up date planned for later this year. To find out more, visit the IWEA Website.

For a quick guide to Indiana's "Back on Track" plan, click here.

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