September NIOA Meeting Update

There have been some changes to the scheduling for next weeks' NIOA Training:
Wednesday, September 12. 
10:30a  - Prickett Marina Park for 1 hour of training followed by lunch. 13084 Jefferson Rd., Mishawaka, IN 46545
1:00p - Bodine Fish Hatchery for a tour of the facility. 13200 Jefferson Blvd, Mishawaka, IN 46545
Don't miss an opportunity to hear Dave Meuninck, a fellow NIOA member, share his experience with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and their efforts to stock trout and salmon in Lake Michigan and its Indiana tributaries. The tour of the Bodine Hatchery will include discussion of the hatchery's biofilters, sedimentation lagoons and UV disinfection system. We look forward to seeing you next week!, Note: Boxed lunches will be provided. RSVP's are required, no later than noon, Tuesday Sept. 11! Contact your NIOA Officers to RSVP!

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