The NIOA - Midsummer Special Edition

Happy Friday to our NIOA Friends!

A quick special edition newsletter to share some updates & provide some reminders to the membership. First off, A BIG THANK YOU to Franke Environmental Systems and Engineering Resources Inc., for providing lunch at Wednesday's NIOA Cookout! You guys are making pork burgers great again! #MPBGA

NIOA Slate of Officers: At the October meeting, we will be accepting nominations for NIOA officers. Bill Etzler has served three years as officer and Mike Franke has served four years as officer & they would like to hand off the reigns to a couple committed members who will work with Katie Hernandez to continue providing valuable training and other opportunities to our members. If you are interested in serving, but have questions, please feel free to contact any one of your officers: Mike Franke, Bill Etzler or Katie Hernandez or, give one of the previous officers a call (Bill Reed, Craig Williams, Jeff Krotke, Jeff Hersha, to name a few). We have streamlined a lot of the work required to serve as officer and it does require a small time commitment, but it is worth it. Please, please, please consider serving!

Town of Bremen Silent Auction for Surplus Items. The Town of Bremen is selling some surplus equipment: 2002 Chevy S10 Crew Cab, 2006 John Deere Diesel Engine, 1985 Ford Fire Engine, 1999 Ford Ambulance, and Vapor Rotor Trailer. Details can be found here

Future NIOA/IWEA Training:

  • August - No NIOA Meeting. WE hope to see you at the IWEA Annual Conference!
  • September - Tentative - We are working on firming up details, but we hope to be at the Bodine Fish Hatchery in Mishawaka. 
  • October - Huntertown Wastewater Treatment, training on sludge conditioning and dewatering. 
  • November - TBA
  • December - Christmas Lunch & Training in Nappanee


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