The NIOA Newsletter - Independence Day Edition

Happy Independence Day to each of you!

Annual Cookout & July Training. The July NIOA Meeting/Annual Cook out will be hosted by Chain flakes State Park on July 11. We will meet at the Glacier Ridge Shelter, then take a short hike to the Wastewater Treatment Plant for a tour. Lunch (pork burgers & brats) will be served at the Glacier Ridge Shelter after the tour. After lunch, we will move to the historic "Stanley School" for training. KML Specialty Chemicals will be providing 2 hours of technical training after lunch. Please contact Mike, Bill or Katie to RSVP. RSVP's must be received by the end of the day, July 9 if you want to eat!

NIOA Doug Brookhart Scholarship - Nominations Needed. We are also looking for nominees for the 3rd annual Doug Brookhart Scholarship! As a tribute to Doug Brookhart, for his support for NIOA and his assistance in all aspects of the important work done by plant operators, a scholarship has been created. The Scholarship consists of paid registration to the annual IWEA conference – all three (3) days, including lunches, hotel reservations at conference hotel for two (2) or three (3) nights, parking and $50 VISA gift card for meals. Anticipated value = $1,100. Nominations are requested from all members by the July meeting. Please contact Mike Franke for more information or to nominate someone. If you are interested in donating to help the NIOA fund this scholarship, more information can be found here

Astbury Water Technology - Water Treatment Operator Position Available.  Check out the job posting page for more information. The NIOA will post job positions for all members and their employers an no charge! Contact Craig Williams for more details.  

Indiana Changes Wastewater License Renewal Schedules. Starting with next years renewals, Indiana wastewater operator licenses will be valid for three (3) year periods as opposed to the current two (2) year cycle. In addition, the revised Indiana Code will permit expired licenses to be renewed for up to one (1) year after the certificate date expires instead of three (3) years. For more information, please see this announcement from IDEM. 

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