The NIOA Newsletter -- Calling ALL Golfers - Happy Gilmore to Arnold Palmer
For all Industrial & Municipal Wastewater Operators: Online renewal for your license(s) is now available!. If you have received your Renewal Application Letter from IDEM, it will direct you to the site to start your renewal. When setting up your login, DO NOT use a SSN or DOB during the process, it throws everything off. DO select "person search" on the left and enter your license number and registration code exactly how it is listed on the renewal application. There is a $4.17 convenience fee added to the renewal cost if you choose to renew online. If you continue to experience problems, you can still mail your application to the address listed. Also, on July 1, 2018, the renewal period for Wastewater Certification will change to a 3 year cycle as opposed to the current 2 years. Your certification will become nonrenewable after one year; this was previously 3 years. So if you don’t renew within a year after your certificate expires, you will have to retest.
The annual Pottyshack Invitational will be held at the Juday Creek Golf Course in Granger on June 13th. It doesn't matter if you are a Happy Gilmore golfer or a pro, we want you to participate! There will be a number of the usual competitions (longest drive, closest to the pin, etc.), but you could win the coveted Closest to the Potty award! Thanks to the generosity of a number of corporate sponsors, we currently have a limited number of spots on corporate teams at no additional cost! First come, first served...
We will kick things off @ 11am with an hour of training, eat lunch, and then hit the greens. Regardless of your skill level, please come join us for a day of training, food, prizes and camaraderie! If you want to play, we need your commitment no later than Friday, July 1st!
Please contact Mike Franke to RSVP if you plan on playing!