Good afternoon NIOA members & friends! A couple things to note:

  1. After 37 years of service, Bremen WWTP Superintendent Bill Reed is retiring! The town is celebrating his retirement (that may not have come out right...) on May 19, from 2 - 4 PM at the Town Hall, 111 S. Center Street. If you are available, please come wish Bill well in his retirement!
  2. The NIOA Golf Outing is on June 8th at the Eagle Glen Country Club in Columbia City! Cost per player is $35, which includes lunch, 18 holes & a cart. This is a great opportunity to to spend time with other wastewater operators & the suppliers, engineers and consultants who help us treat wastewater! If you are interested in playing, RSVP to Bill Etzler no later than May 27th, as an individual or a team.  You do not need to pay until June 8th. If you are interested in sponsoring the golf outing, please contact Bill Etzler.  There will be 1 hour of training prior to lunch @ 10:00 am. We hope to see you there!

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