The NIOA May Newsletter

Spring has sprung, the dandelions are growing & it is mushroom time! I hope this newsletter finds you well! Here are a few items to keep in mind as you try to catch up on mowing!

  1. June is the month that many municipal and industrial wastewater certifications are due for renewal. Check your CEU's and renewal dates here. The NIOA Executive Board is aware of problems with getting CEU's credited to operator's licenses - this is a top priority for us and we are working on getting this issue resolved as soon as possible. If you are due for renewal this year but are short CEU credits because you believe that you have not had NIOA Training CEU's applied, please let Craig Williams know as soon as possible. 
  2. Although it may seem like it is a ways off, the 2015 Annual Conference will be here before we know it. During the Contractor's Breakfast this year, we are looking for operators from the Operator Associations (prefer at least one operator to represent each OA), to give a round table discussion on the bidding process of projects and discuss experiences related to those project.  There will be  many contractors and operators around to discuss ideas and network. If you are willing to participate in the roundtable discussion, please contact Bob Roudebush or Teddy Deahl as soon as possible. 
  3. The annual IWEA Wastewater Challenge will be held on May 19-20 at the South Dearborn Regional Sewer District in Lawrenceburg Indiana. Register your team today! Reminder that there will be no NIOA meeting in May due to the Wastewater Challenge.
  4. The annual IWEA Golf Outing will be held at the beautiful Golf Club of America golf course south of Lebanon Indiana. Join us for fun, food and fellowship. Proceeds from this event will support Water for People. Register for the golf outing here.

We are always intersted in hearing what you want to learn! If you have an idea for a topic or an area of concern, please let any of the NIOA board members know. We are also interested in finding facilities where we can hold training and tour treatment plants. 

Have a blessed & safe summer!

Craig WIlliams, Superintendent

Angola Wastewater Treatment

NIOA Vice President

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